Go With The Flow!

October 31, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Intention is the key to everything. Pure honest intention can bring out the beauty in any emotion. Just have a good Heart!. Take a moment to close your eyes and feel the current and let it take you where you need to be. If you can follow the current at all times, you will not have a thing to worry about, Ever!
-Michael, from Victor Wooten's book "The Music Lesson"

I try to go with the flow in life and want to believe that I have a good heart full of honest intention.  This is not always easy to do as we are pulled by obligations, schedules, deadlines, school, jobs, etc... Lucky for me, I have constructed a life that allows me freedom, at least at times. Right now is one of those times as I have a few more weeks off in between jobs and have lots of adventures that still lie ahead for me.

Planning is something that I really do not like to do much when I am on "Vacation" and traveling back and forth from Door County, WI and Lake Tahoe, CA. Of course it can be useful as I knew I was stopping by a friends place in South Dakota, a place that I would not normally have stopped at. It was a lot of fun, met some great people, and it was a pretty nice place to visit. After that I figured and did stop by Vail, CO for a pit stop to Visit friends while on the way out to Tahoe. This trip out west for me always changes as you never know what the weather will be doing in the mountains. 

Monday Came along and I had to decide what route I was going to take to get out to CA. Tahoe was getting snow! I also knew Vail was in line for the same storm so I decided to head a little south instead of heading straight west or back up north to I-80. Years back, I took a drive along UT Hwy 24 and 12 to Bryce Canyon and it was gorgeous, so I figured I would give that a drive since the snow was not forecasted there. It was beautiful just as I expected!

Where was I going to stay? Bryce Canyon I had been to before and it is very beautiful, but not a huge Park so I was not really thinking that I would stop to stay and see it again. Clouds had been moving in throughout the day and when I passed the entrance to Bryce Canyon, it started raining. Down the road about 20 miles is a town named Panguitch UT.

 When I passed through there before, I stopped at The Cowboy Smokehouse and Cafe. This place has the best smoked BBQ I have ever encountered so I figured it would be a great place to stop for the night and get some great food! I checked into the motel across the street and found out that the Cafe had started their Off-Season Hours and would only be open for the weekends. Of course, I was disappointed as I was really looking forward to some great food and I knew that their smoked meats were all Gluten Free. That night I was limited to a tub of GF pasta that I had along with me just for this type of emergency when on the road and can't find GF food. If you ever are in this town, I HIGHLY recommend stopping here and eating, just make sure it is a weekend or not the off season!

That night, I sat in my motel room, closed my eyes and tried to tune in with the current and see where the flow would take me. I decided that with the snow that was now falling, I would give Bryce Canyon another shot and see it in a way that I have never seen before, covered with Snow! I am so happy that I did! It was absolutely gorgeous covered with snow! The hike was a lot of fun and everyone that was there that day were excited and amazed at the beauty that we were all experiencing.

Once again, the current brought me right to where I needed to be! This has happened often for me lately. I believe it is because I just try to go with the flow! 

In the next few weeks, I am going to be traveling. The only real plans that I have are to visit friends and family in Napa, Portland, and Seattle. What happens in between...... Well, stay tuned and see where the current takes me!



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